How to configure Remote SL for Massive?

  1. Head to Automap software and run it
  2. Check and make sure the ‘Massive’ plugin has been checked in ‘Software Setup > VST’
  3. Restart Cubase or refresh plugin once done.
  4. Load the new ‘Massive (Automap)’ plugin instead of ‘Massive’.
  5. Now the default setup might not be too useful for sound making, so we configure each
    knob by selecting ‘Mixer/Plug-in Mappings > Massive > Edit Mapping…’
  6. We add a new ‘Page’ of setup by selecting ‘Add Page’ in ‘Edit Mapping’ window.
    Now the Remote SL hardware will have a new page of tools when you left-hand scroll up
    or down on it.
  7. Next we start assigning each knob and slider. The knobs and sliders that can be assigned
    are the left 4 rows and the right 2 rows. The 3rd right row is for hardware/software communications. To start assigning, we can select ‘Learn > On’ in the ‘Edit Mapping’ window.
  8. Then we turn or slide the knob we want to use on the Remote SL hardware.
  9. Then we modify the parameter in the loaded ‘Massive’ plugin in Cubase.
  10. That’s it! Start assigning the sliders and knobs you want to use. Create new ‘Pages’ if you like.
    Remember to Save the Mapping into a file and back up, so that it can be used again
    in the future when Cubase or everything is re-installed.
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